P.P. = peddled papers
P.P.W.T.S. = peddled papers, went to school
January 1, 1938 Saturday
P.P. Collected. Sherman came up in a.m. We bowled 3 strings. I got 208 – he got 185. In p.m. we went to movie “The Barrier” at the Scenic. In evening Laura and I went to see Nelson Eddy in “Rosalie.” Pa has been terribly ugly all day today: mostly at Laura because she argues with him (and beats him). He would not go to the show with Laura nor eat supper at the same table. (PRETTY CHILDISH).
January 2, 1938 Sunday
Slept late. I did not go to church today because I was kind of sick. Prepared C.E. meeting. We had a discussion tonight on “Are New Year's Resolutions Beneficial?” led by Marjorie Chickering. Had a haircut – shaved – had a shampoo. Listened to Jack Benny and Charlie McCarthy.
January 3, 1938 Monday
P.P. Went merrily back to school. Had H.S. orchestra practice. Got quite a bit of homework but it came out all right. In evening I went to Keene Orchestral Society meeting. I enjoy it. It seems quite good to get back to the old grind. As usual, after a vacation I knew a little less than nothing at school but I played my horn pretty well, for me, anyway.
January 4, 1938 Tuesday
P.P.W.T.S. Had band practice fifth period. We are playing “Safari,” which has a horn solo in which I was rather scared. I got it, though not with any good tone. Operated at Doc's in p.m. Read a book “Keep Smiling” over there. A book about being cheerful. Studied. Read about a book “Radium,” which explained all about radium. It is pretty rare. Made some magazine reports.
January 5, 1938 Wednesday
P.P.W.T.S. Went to Goodnow's and got Mrs. Pellitier to speak at C.E. next Sunday. Played with Ernie. Studied. Did magazine reports. Went to library with Bob. We have about seven inches of snow and the weather as a whole is crisp and clear. This morning a frost covered the branches of all the trees making them look white and giving a peculiar effect. Read some book reviews in the “Book Digest.”
January 6, 1938 Thursday
P.P.W.T.S. Had orchestra. Felt as though I was coming down with a cold so I slept some in the p.m. Studied. Started a book on Venice, “Gondola Days.” Am going to bed early to help my cold. Bob is trying to figure out what to do when he graduates. He may try to get a job with a big company and work up. I ave got to figure out what I am going to do so I won't be rushed my last year.
January 7, 1938 Friday
P.P. We had a hard rainstorm on 7 inches of snow! Need I say more? Papers were late, I was later, drenched and so stayed home from school. Studied in a.m. Loafed with Ernie in p.m. IN evening I went to Elmer Townes to have S.S. orchestra rehearsal. Changed it to a quintet and practiced to play next Sunday at S.S. We orchestrated “Sweet and Low” effectively. We are Lousy but slowly improving.
January 8, 1938 Saturday
P.P. Had a good collection. Went to Kermit Davis' in a.m. Played a little chess. In p.m. Ernie and I went to 10 cent cowboy show at Scenic. Studied music. The reason I usually go to the show Saturday is, not that the pictures are any good, but that there is a lot of “atmosphere” at a Saturday show. All kids go, eat candy, are noisy, cheer the heroes and hiss the villains of the serials. I get a seat up back, some candy (5 cents worth) and sit and listen to the noise. It is fun.
January 9, 1938 Sunday
Slept late. Our “Orchestra,” now a quartet, played at S.S. Went to church. Loafed in p.m. In evening we had C.E. meeting at the Parsonage. Mrs. Pellitier gave an interesting talk on Finland. It was illustrated by Julia Shaw, who worked a post card projector.
January 10, 1938 Monday
P.P.W.T.S. Had school orchestra. Went back in p.m. and made up Friday's work. In evening I went to Fred Astaire, George Burns, and Gracie Allen in “Damsel in Distress” at Scenic. It was ultra-funny. I always have liked Fred Astaire and Burns and Allen. The picture took place in England and portrays the ups and downs of a love affair between a famous dancer and an aristocrat who lives in an old castle.
January 11, 1938 Tuesday
P.P.W.T.S. Had band practice. Studied in p.m. It was several degrees below zero this morning. In evening I went to the home of Lois Nichols where a few boys and girls gave her a surprise birthday party. We had a scavenger hunt and my side won a box of chocolates. We played games, had refreshments, and talked 'til 11:15. Several of the people (app. 10 in all) were from F.J.H. of former days.
January 12, 1938 Wednesday
P.P.W.T.S. Shined my horn in p.m. Studied in evening. Went to library. In reading a magazine article I learned a lot about Iceland. Funny, but I never knew anything about Iceland before. It's quite a country – an old parliament and it flourished long before Europe. Bob went to see K.H.S. play Lover [? illeg. Dover?] tonight.
January 13, 1938 Thursday
P.P.W.T.S. Bought a new fountain pen in p.m. Got some pictures of France for the Bulletin Board, for I have charge of it for the next two weeks. Studied. Read a magazine article about the John L. Sullivan-Jake Kilrain fight. It was the last bare knuckle fight and lasted 75 rounds., Sullivan winning, of course. It was very cruel and Kilrain was almost knocked out all the way.
January 14, 1938 Friday
P.P.W.T.S. In p.m. went to a hockey movie at the Colonial. In the evening I went to see K.H.S. play basketball with Bellows Falls. The B.F. Jvs won from ours, but the K.H.S. varsity won 32-25. It was a pretty good game and Keene worked very smoothly. This year they have eliminated the center-jump after baskets. This makes the game faster.
January 15, 1938 Saturday
P.P. Collected. Went with Doc cattle testing 'til 3:30 p.m. Read. Went to movie “That Certain Woman” at Latchis with Laura in evening. On the trip Doc and I went up through Sullivan, Alstead, Marlow, etc. We went through terribly wild country. It is full of hills and covered with snow. It was a clear day and we could see for miles. A sledge, which we were trying to pass on a narrow road, tipped over in the road.
January 16, 1938 Sunday
Slept. Got roused out of bed and had to play in S.S. orchestra. Went to S.S. and church. Studied in p.m. Jimmie Bowers of hartland came for a time in p.m. Had semi-annual business meeting of C.E. I gave a resume of what we have done and led a discussion on what we are going to do. We elected officers. Kenneth Erwin was elected president. I was nominated for re-election but refused.
January 17, 1938 Monday
P.P.W.T.S. (Every week I have K.H.S. orchestra 5th period on Mondays and Thur. Band p.m. Tues. and Fri.) Had a test in French and became aware of the fact that my mastery of it is slipping. The same for most of my subjects. I must review. In evening I went to rehearsal of Keene Orchestral Society. We had a business meeting. Members have not been coming as they should and we are weak on violins. Mr. Beedle offered to resign and some wanted to disband the orchestra. However, we did neither but chose a committy [sic] to see if we can get more violins and better attendance.
January 18, 1938 Tuesday
P.P.W.T.S. Studied. We got a lot of snow yesterday and today was -9 degrees fahrenheit and may be colder tomorrow. I haven't much to wright [sic] tonight so we'll catch up on current events. The cabinet of the French republic fell through Friday and since then 2 men, Leon Blum and Chautemps have tried with little success to get it started again. Japan-China still fighting. We, U.S., have been in a recession the last month or so but are climbing back to recovery.
January 19, 1938 Wednesday
P.P.W.T.S. Went to library. Studied. went to 10 cent show with Bob in evening. It was 27 degrees below zero this morning.
January 20, 1938 Thursday
P.P.W.T.S. Had a big English test. Get a Latin test and a Geometry test tomorrow. This year we are supposed to have abolished mid-years but we get them just the same, except we don't get the review we usually do. Bob is in a quandary! as to what to do when he graduates. He is thinking of trying to win a scholarship to Tufts tonight.
January 21, 1938 Friday
P.P.W.T.S. Loafed. In evening I went to K.H.S. vs. Claremont. Both the boys and girls won. I am staying up to listen to the non-title fight between Tommy Farr and Jimmy Braddock. Tommy Farr is working to be champion and Braddock is trying a comeback. -- Braddock won by a decision, -- it was a good fight.